When I was first awakening, I really wanted to find information online. I decided to create this resource for anyone who is like me, who wants to deep dive into their own psyche and uncover the brilliance of their individual frequency. Quantum healing sessions dive deep so we can explore together the mysteries of the universe around us.

I transcribe and share hypnosis, channeling, and akashic record reading sessions here so everyone can benefit from the healing and wisdom shared.


Here is my most popular post for your enjoyment…

Take a tour through the Underworld with a dragon


The Dragon Collective has things to say

Did I ever tell you about the time I accidentally hypnotized myself?   Okay, so not all hypnosis sessions go according to plan. Sometimes things take a wonky turn and the two parties aren’t quite able to align that day at that time. It’s all for everyone’s highest good, but it does happen. This is…

A tour of the Akashic record hall and the importance of joy

My friend shared with me her Akashic records key, and helped me learn to use it. Naturally, I offered to provide a reading for her so we could explore it together. She has a crisis a couple of times a year where she gets extremely overwhelmed and eventually, gets sick; and was looking for guidance…

Arcturian reiki from the Akashic Records

Have you ever heard of the Akashic records? Its essentially the encyclopedia dimension. An entire dimension recording things that happen everywhere, all the time. Everyone has their own Akashic record, as do things such as businesses and energies. These records can be accessed and shared with others as long as it is in everyone’s well-being.…

Healing Hypnosis Winter pricing

What is a session, exactly?

A session consists of 3 meetings. The first is to explore the information you’d like to discover in your healing session. Let’s refine your queries so you can make the most of the information we might receive. The next meeting is our hypnosis session where we do some incredible quantum healing. This takes about 2 hours, on average. The last meeting is a processing session where we work on integrating the incredible quantum healing that happened. This can be a life changing transformation and I’m here to explore all of it with you.

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